Saturday, 5 January 2013


Hey It's Ronnie!!!

Sooo it is Saturday once again and you know what that means? BLOG!

This week I decided to do a blog about a subject that we all can relate to and yes you guessed it EXAMS...
...AND the title may have given it away :)

We can all relate to this as it doesn't matter how old you are either if your young and in school experiencing them at this point of your life or if you are old and went through all them...

So I am in year 11 and as I am in the UK so it is my last year and to be honest I am having mixed feelings about this as one one side I can't wait to leave and get into the real world and be independent but on the other hand NOO I don't want to leave I'm just to scared :(

So I have a German exam coming up in about 2 days and I hardly know anything, I just really cannot be bothered I mean I REALLY NEED TO REVISE after all it's not English or Maths or something where you can guess or make it up on the spot this is GERMAN there is only a certain amount of words and sentences I know and I can't make it all up otherwise it'll just be a bunch of mumble jumble.

So if you want tell me any of your exam experiances in the comments down below because I would love to hear them and I know you wont share them but c'mon life is short!!!

Sooooo I am sorry this is so shorter than usual but I have to go and revise :s

So I guess BYE??!!